Monday, February 12, 2018

1 Down 7 To Go

Well, today was the day! 

My sister-in-law brought me.  And she had a wonderful gift for me.  Not only am I being covered in prayer by so many, now I am being literally covered with God’s Word.  She had asked earlier in the week for some of my favorite Bible verses.  And this is what I got!

It was very nice to have it to cover up during chemo and it will also be a great conversation starter.  (Sorry, but she is not selling them.  I’m the one she tried it out on and she found out it took A LOT more time and stitches than she was expecting!)

Everything went better than I expected.  The worst part was waiting.  Waiting for the lab to read my blood.  Once in the chemo area and the port was checked, waiting for meds to be mixed. Waiting, waiting, waiting.  And I guess I was anxious to have it over with so that made waiting hard.

Before the chemo, I was given 2 medicines to combat nausea and a steroid to give me energy and counteract any allergic reaction.  Then I was given the “red devil.” That’s the A of the AC-T treatment regime I am on.  It’s also the one that will make me lose my hair : (  It was pushed slowly into the IV while I ate ice.  The ice is supposed to decrease my risk for mouth sores.  She mentioned several things I might feel as it was being given.  Symptoms similar to CT scan with contrast.  I did not feel any of them.  Then the C part of the chemo.  

After that was complete, she put the Neulasta patch on my stomach.  Once applied, a needle imbeds a plastic cannula that will later be the route for the medicine.  The nurse said people say it feels like a bee sting or being popped by a rubber band.  The timer on the patch determines when the needle will stick you.  So it’s almost without warning.  When it stuck me, it surprised me and I started laughing.  It really doesn’t hurt, just surprises you.  I’d say it’s closer to being popped with a rubber band by me…not by one of my boys or even my girl.

The Neulasta patch is to stimulate my body to make more white blood cells.  It injects the medicine over a 45 minute time frame, 27 hours after application.  So sometime around 8 tomorrow night I will get the injection.  Side effects of it are bone and muscle pain, sometimes severe.

When I got home, I stir fried some veggies I had already washed and prepped and added some chicken that I had already cooked.  That made a quick and easy meal with protein.  They said to eat lots of protein.  When asked how much, they didn’t know.  Just eat it with every meal and snack.  I had put meat in the crockpot before I left this morning, so Pat and the boys would have supper.

I guess the nausea meds and steroids are doing their jobs. Praise Jesus!!! I feel like I’ll even be able to wash the dishes before bed. Yay!

One of my good friends sent me a prayer that she asked quite a few ladies to pray for me.  In it was Psalm 27:1 “The LORD is my light and my salvation --- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life --- of whom shall I be afraid?”  On the day that I found out I would require chemo, my pastor sent me Psalm 27 as an encouragement.  Then after my blood work this morning, my sister-in-law said she wanted to show me her verse for the day.  It was Psalm 27:1! So I guess I don’t need to fear chemo or it’s side effects.  God has got me AND this situation.  I just need to be careful to keep my eyes focused on Jesus and God’s Word and to pray.  As Pat’s new mantra says: “Everything’s gonna be alright.”

Please pray that the chemo does the job of killing ALL cancer cells and that God would protect my vital organs and as many healthy cells as possible.  Pray for minimal side effects and that I can drink plenty of water and eat plenty of protein.

Thank you for your prayers! They are making a difference!!!

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Written February 1, 2018

So, I saw the chemo doctor and he said I definitely need chemo.  He called a doctor from Baylor and told him the stage of the cancer (Stage III T4 N1 MO) and just from that and no further history, that doctor also said I need chemo.  His office called my doctor’s office to have an echocardiogram scheduled.

The next day, I get a call from my doctor’s office with questions about chemo and am I taking it.  I tell them I don’t know what my options are.  Because I am confused about why my doctor would say one thing and these other 2 doctors, along with the radiation doctor says something else, I did further research online about skin involved and non-skin involved cancers.

What I find out is that small skin involved cancers less than 3 cm. often act like and have the same prognosis as non-skin involved cancers.  Especially those that started near the skin in the first place.  My tumor at it’s largest measurement was 2 cm.  It only involved the dermis and not the epidermis. I was hopeful that my doctor would know this information and tell me that it was up to me to choose, but that she didn’t recommend chemo other than the estrogen binding/lowering pill. My appointment was moved from the 30th to the 25th.

I don’t know how to pray.  Do I ask that God cause all my doctor’s to agree on chemo?  Do I ask that they don’t agree and that He help me choose what is best for me? All I know to pray is that God intervene and His will be done. And that I will be sensitive to His leading.

On the 24th, I receive a call from my doctor’s office saying they were going to schedule me for port placement on the morning of the 26th.  “Dr. C. does agree with chemo???” I ask.  

I see Dr. C on the 24th and she confirms her agreement with the other doctors.  I want to show her the research I had found online. (I know she probably has to pray every time before she walks through the door to deal with me.  I told Pat I was a difficult patient.  When he asked why, I told him because I ask too many questions and read the internet too much!) She doesn’t give me time to ask many questions. Says she is running behind.  Asks if I consent to port placement the next morning. Then leaves and lets her nurse deal with me.

Because all the doctor’s agreed, for whatever reason, that I need chemo, I must just trust that this is God guiding me. Although I am not excited about chemo, I do not sense in any way, God telling me not to do chemo.

A port was placed into my cephalic vein so that chemo can be given through that port instead of having to get an IV started each time I have chemo.  My veins are small and because they can’t use my left arm for blood draws or IV’s, it makes drawing blood and IV insertion difficult at times.  I have had several people that were either unable, wouldn’t even try and would get someone else or would take several times to draw blood or insert IV’s.  Port’s are normal for most IV chemo patients.  I was very happy to have one so that I wouldn’t have to worry about accessing a vein each time I have treatment.

Chemo is scheduled to begin on February 12, if insurance approves it. I will receive Adriamycin along with Cytoxcin every other Monday for 4 treatments.  Then he will switch the medication to Taxol that will also be given every other Monday for 4 treatments.  He will also have a Neulasta patch applied at each chemo visit.  Neulasta is supposed to help keep my white blood cell count up.  If my white blood cell count gets too low, my body won’t be able to attack any infection that arises.  Blood tests will be done every week to watch my white blood cell count.  If it gets too low or if I get sick, it will cause me to miss treatments until the cell count is where they need it to be or until I get well.  If treatments happen with no treatment delayed, my last chemo treatment will be on May 21.

Most people want to know, “Will this chemo make you lose your hair.”  The answer is, unless God intervenes, “Yes.”  So I will be sporting some scarves or possible even a wig or 2 in the upcoming months. Pat thinks it could be fun being with “different women” as I change my looks.  He said we might even get some rumors started.  So I’m warning you, if you see Pat with a blonde, it’s probably just me.  Well, it better be!

How has God encouraged me in the past few days? Here are just a few ways through Sarah Young’s book Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence.

“…you are being transformed from the inside out.  As you keep your focus on Me, I form you into the one I desire you to be.  Enjoy…Hold My hand in childlike trust and the way before you will open up step by step.” pg 26

“Give up the illusion that you deserve a problem-free life. Pour your energy into seeking Me.  Enjoy Me and glorify Me in the midst of adverse circumstances.  When things seem all wrong, trust Me anyway.  I am much less interested in right circumstances than in right responses to whatever comes your way.” pg 27

“My Presence watches over you continually, protecting you both from known and unknown dangers.  Entrust yourself to My watch care.”  pg 32

Added on February 8, 2018
Got a call from the cancer center yesterday.  An appointment was made for Friday to teach me more about the chemos I will be receiving and what to expect.  An appointment to receive my first chemo was scheduled for Monday at noon.  They will draw blood first.  If everything looks good chemo will begin.

Prayer requests:
That the chemo will completely obliterate every cancer cell in my body.
That the side effects will be minimal.
That my faith, trust and confidence in Jesus will continue to grow.
That I will be joyful despite my circumstances.
That others will be attracted to Jesus because of me and that I would boldly proclaim the gospel when given the chance.
I have several other friends battling cancer. (Bonnie, Tonya, Kathy, Wanda, Debbie, Bobbie, Elaine) Please say a prayer for each of them. I know most of you probably also have friends or family in this fight.  Please take time right now to pray for them and their families also.
Thank you for reading and most of all THANK YOU  for your prayers!!!