Saturday, September 30, 2017



September 20,2017

“This past week has been a whirlwind.”  That’s how I started off the texts to several important people in my life. 

This “past week” started last Tuesday morning with an appointment with a doctor for the first time in 12 years.  I had found an abnormality in my left breast almost 3 weeks prior and was getting an opinion on it.  The words I heard were “breast oncologist” and “possibly Paget’s disease.”  I left the doctor’s office to go do something I enjoy, penning cows with my husband. We didn’t get home until 7:30 or 8:00.  I can’t remember if I picked something up for supper or threw something together. I took a shower and laid down in bed, waiting for my husband so we could discuss what I had learned at the doctor’s office that morning.

He came and laid down and we began discussing the news I had gotten that morning.  Of course, I had googled Paget’s disease… a rare breast cancer that usually requires a total mastectomy. As I lay in my husband’s arms, just wanting to be comforted by being near him, I received a call from my elderly friend’s neighbor. “Mrs. W is very sick and you need to come right away.” I was tired physically and my emotions were on edge.  I did not want to leave the comfort of my bed or my husband.  The tears began as I started getting dressed.  Pat got up too, so he could go with me.  I told him I’d be ok, but he insisted on coming with me. I was thankful to have him with me for at least a little longer.  When I realized we had to go to the ER, I sent my husband home.  He had to go to work in the morning.

I made it home from the ER at 5:00 in the morning.  My elderly friend had been admitted with sepsis.  I am the only one she has to be her advocate at the hospital.  I have been to doctor appointments and various treatments with her for about a year and a half.  She is like a grandmother to me.  She depends on me.  The hospital is an hour away from my home.  So, this week was filled with drives to and from the hospital daily. Hour drives to the hospital and hour drives from the hospital to my appointments in another town and I reminded myself constantly that the timing of this illness was part of God’s sovereign plan.  He was in control of this, too. 

Soon after awakening after just a couple of hours of sleep, I got a call from the breast oncologist’s office.  Because we have no insurance, they were trying to help me get aid to pay for the inevitable expenses that would be occurring if this was indeed cancer.  After several calls, we realized that I could not receive the aid they were wanting me to get because I lived out of county.  So, they scheduled me with a mammogram and doctor’s visit to follow.

The mammogram was humiliating…all of this is, really, but I’ll write about that later.  But God in His Providence, provided an acquaintance as the mammogram technician.  She made me feel more at ease.  She helped me think about other things.  But the mammogram showed something in my right breast also.  Now I’m hearing the word "biopsy."

The following Tuesday, just over a week from this whirlwind beginning, I am at the breast oncologist’s office.  She is concerned about what she sees in the right breast.  She will do a biopsy of both breasts the next day.

What else has happened this week?  My washing machine broke prompting a late evening trip to the laundromat.  My dishwasher broke…but I can hand wash dishes.  While waiting in the line to get gas, on the day of my appointment with the breast oncologist, the drive shaft fell out of my daughter’s truck which I was driving, requiring a rescue and getting me to the doctor’s appointment on time.  I had left in my truck that morning, but it was making funny noises, so I went back home to get my daughter's truck because I knew I didn’t have time for a breakdown.  Praise God it happened in a parking lot and not on the highway. Praise God it didn’t happen when my daughter was driving home late at night. Blood pressure readings have been high.  Once the diastolic number was 98!  The systolic number has been in the 170’s.  Early mornings and late nights and little sleep.  This has been my whirlwind.  All allowed by my good, good Father.

I was up early Wednesday morning.  I start by texting many people to pray for me.  To each individual I begin, “This past week has been a whirlwind.”  I fix my husband’s breakfast and lunch.  I take a shower and sit down for the first time in a week to my First 5 devotion.  It’s from Job 38.  I begin reading Job 38 and the first verse says, “Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm.”  And I thought, I WILL hear God answer me in this storm I’ve been in.  And I start frantically reading the chapter looking for the word whirlwind…but it is not there.  (Often God will give me a word while I journal that is repeated in the day or days to follow Scripture reading or devotional.) But what I find is this. Verses 4 and 5 state “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me if you understand, who marked off it’s dimensions? Verse 10 says, “when I fixed limits for it” and verse 11, “when I said, ‘this far you may come and no farther.’”   

And as I thought of the boundaries that God has created for His creation, I wrote this prayer, “Father, You have set boundaries in my life, too.  This far you may come and no farther, satan!  This far you may come and no farther, sickness!  This far you may come and no farther, breakdowns!  This far you may come and no farther, ___________!  Help me to trust You and the boundaries You have set for my life.  Thank You, Father, that You continue to speak and arrange circumstances even in this whirlwind.”

Then I open the First 5 App.  The picture caption says, “God who created all, is more than capable to care for all.”  God is telling me that He is more than capable to take care of all the things that have broken and gone “wrong” this week.  He is capable of providing peace and strength and finances.  He is capable of providing healing. He is capable of providing grace to walk through disease.  God is telling me that He is fully capable of being God.  Then at the very end of the devotion, I find the word I’m searching for as a confirmation that God sees me and my circumstances.  “And sometimes it takes a whirlwind to direct our attention to Him.”  Then I do a word search to see where the word whirlwind is found in Scripture.  And wouldn’t you know it…it was in Job 38 all along.  Most of the translations of Job 38:1 state, “Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind…”   

Yes, Father, I do not believe that it was coincidence that You gave me that word as a description of my past week and it was not coincidence that it was in the first verse of Job 38 and in the last sentence of the devotional written for me today… the day I go for my breast biopsies.  Thank You! You do see me and what I am going through. You are indeed a good, good Father!!!

What kind of whirlwind are you going through this week?  Your good Father sees you and He cares.