Monday, September 10, 2018

A Look Back

It was almost one month less than a year that I received my last radiation treatment.  I am amazed that it has been almost a year since I started this cancer journey.  And although I’ve finished chemo and radiation, I am not sure that a cancer journey ever comes to an end.  But I hope that the hardest part of it has.  I am believing that I am already healed but will continue to follow doctor’s suggestions. (At least most of them.)  
I have started taking Letrozole, a medication that decreases the female hormones in my body because my cancer was a hormone positive cancer.  This means that the hormones estrogen and progesterone fed the cancer.  No tests have yet been run or even mentioned for the doctors to pronounce me cancer free.  I think I read somewhere that you must go 5 years without a reoccurrence to get the cancer-free status.  Taking the Letrozole is supposed to help decrease my chance of a reoccurrence.  So far, I haven’t experienced any bad side effects and will continue to take it for the prescribed time (5 to 10 years) as long as side effects don’t prohibit me. 

I have been doing a lot of thinking about what God has taught me through the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.  Here are some of the things:

God is faithful! He was with me every step of the way giving me peace and comfort.  He kept me from being ruled by fear.  He gave me rest.  He provided for me in so many different ways.  He has taught me so much this past year.

God’s people are amazing!  Today I counted the cards I received from so many of you…over 100 not counting the postcards I received from the Methodist Church’s Tuesday prayer group each and every week.  This does not include the texts, phone calls, financial gifts, food, flowers, and gifts of various kinds.  It was not uncommon for me to receive a box from Amazon with gifts to help ease the difficulties I faced.  It is amazing how I would receive a card, a text or a call with just the right encouragement for the moment from so many of you…many of whom I have never met!

God also provided some amazing ladies and girls who brought or went with me to chemo and radiation treatments.  These special people made what should have been only difficult, something that I actually looked forward to because I would get to spend time with them.  Some of you I didn’t know very well before, but God has used this hard time to make us dear friends.  I am so grateful!

And I have to thank my husband, children, parents and extended family for how they have been patient with and supportive of me through it all.  I can’t begin to list or number the things they have done and how they have loved me during this difficult year. I love you dearly!

Prayer makes a difference! I am reminded of the verse in Philippians that says, “I know this will lead to my deliverance through your prayers and help from the Spirit of Jesus Christ.” (1:19) And you all flooded the gates of heaven with prayer!  And because of that, the Spirit of Jesus answered those prayers by strengthening us, giving us peace, giving us rest, giving us hope, giving us encouragement and so much more.

The cards and postcards were and are a tangible way for me to see a small portion of the prayers offered on behalf of me and my family.  But I am well aware that many of you prayed and never sent a card.  Many of you have prayed daily for me and of course daily cards would not be reasonable (though from one, I did receive weekly cards). Again, I have never even met so many of you who prayed for me.  I humbly and gratefully thank each of you who prayed on behalf of me and my family.  You just don’t know how much your prayers have meant to me and what a difference they’ve made in my life.  I cannot thank you enough!

God has given me compassion for others who are suffering.  Many of you have dealt with or are dealing with much more devastating and tragic things than what I have dealt with. Some of you have had to watch your child suffer through or be taken by cancer or some other awful disease or accident. My prayers are with you. Some of you are dealing with loss of a spouse or parent or loss of a relationship with a child or divorce.  My prayers are with you.  I do not understand why God allows such suffering to occur or why He lets it happen to His children.  I do not understand but must continue to trust that He is good and loving.  I have wept for you and prayed for God to comfort and strengthen you.
God has given me a thirst for heaven. Any diagnosis that threatens to take you or your loved one’s life, makes you do a lot of thinking about death and what comes after this life.  I am so thankful that Jesus made a way for us to have life after death!  And that life will be glorious! The Bible says that it will make the suffering that we experience here seem light and momentary. (2 Thessalonians 4:17) And not only that, it also says our suffering is producing some sort of eternal glory for us that will make all the suffering worth it. I don’t quite understand it, but I am hanging on to that promise of God.  It somehow makes suffering a little more bearable.  I am working at learning to fix my eyes on Jesus and the cross and what that means for me…spending eternity with Him in heaven.  I pray that all of you have come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord so that you can have the same hope that I have. (

Looking back, I can honestly say that cancer has not taken from me as much as I have received because of it from the Lord and from you.  I have received many more blessings through it than it has taken from me. I praise God for this!  It has been a hard year.  But it has also been a good year!

I can not repay any of you for the kindness you have shown to us during this difficult time.  But I am asking the One who can to bless you and keep you.  I am asking Him to let His favor rest on you.  I am asking Him to credit your account in heaven (if you have an account there) for how you have blessed and encouraged and provided for me and my family.

I also cannot repay the One to whom I owe everything. He has been the Source of every good and every kindness ever shown to me.  Not just during this cancer, but for my entire life.  I am so thankful, that He does not expect me to pay anything in return.  Jesus paid it all for me! And all He wants from me is for me to love Him.  I pray that I would love Him as He deserves and that my life would be lived in gratitude to Him.