Thursday, May 24, 2018

Greatest Intervention Ever

It’s been over a month since I’ve written.  So, I reviewed my journal to see some of what God has been doing in that time.  A prayer on April 15 was, “So many people need Your intervention in their/our lives.  We are doomed to destruction without You. Please intervene!”

I was surprised that what I prayed then, was echoed in my prayer this morning. “So many continue to desperately need You.” I then listed the people and families I am praying for. “We all desperately need You and Your intervention in our lives! Thank You that You choose to intervene in human lives.”

There are so many families going through such difficult and tragic circumstances.  This has been heavy on my heart for a while now. Pain and suffering and death and loss seem to punctuate this life.  I am confident that in the end, ALL will be redeemed, ALL pain and suffering will be over for those who are in Christ.  But I want to see some redemption, some conflict resolution, some of Your wonders in the “land of the living,” as David called it. (Psalm 27:13) I want to see it now!

In reviewing my journal, I was able to find glimpses of God’s goodness in the midst of all the hurt and pain in many lives.

~A wife and mother in ICU on life support suddenly pulled through.
~Several made it through successful surgeries and are healing.
~God revealed truth to a Judge so that he had mercy on a young man and his case was dismissed.
~I rode a horse for the first time since surgery and was able to “help” pen cows.
~A mother/grandmother completed cancer treatment and was declared cancer free!
~A friend was protected from a surgery that would have been more damaging to her condition.
~My son was provided for by good friends who took care of him, accompanied and stayed with him in the ER (5 ½ hours away from home) from 1:00 am to after 4:00 am in the morning and brought him home.
~A mom was reconciled to her daughter and granddaughter after almost 2 years of estrangement.
~For the first time in over 60 days, a teenage girl was able to sleep through the night without being interrupted by excruciating pain!
~The mom on life support, held her newborn grandson a little over a month after she was miraculously revived.

I am so thankful for the way we can see that God has worked in each of these individual's and families' lives!  But I am also thankful for the ways God is working in every person’s on my prayer list lives, even when we can’t clearly see His work from this vantage point. And even though we may never understand His plan this side of heaven.

Jesus Calling on May 8, says, “Do not long for the absence of problems in your life.  That is an unrealistic goal. Do not seek your heaven on earth.”  And although I should not (but often do) expect heaven on earth, I am so thankful that God is still at work on this earth, intervening in the lives of people whether I can see it or not.

But the greatest intervention ever performed by God was when He sent Jesus into this world to live a perfect life and to become the perfect sacrifice for our sins.  Because of Jesus death on the cross and His resurrection, those of us who accept Him as our Lord and Savior, have Him to walk step by step with us through every circumstance of this life.  And we have the hope of heaven, where we will spend eternity with Him without evil or pain or suffering or death or loss.  All of our experiences will be completely redeemed.  Because of Jesus, I can not only endure, but actually enjoy this time on earth with all its valleys and mountains.

My greatest prayer for all of those on my prayer list and for their families and for all of you reading this and for your families is that each of you would experience a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  If you choose not to, you will not only experience some hell on earth, but you will also experience hell for eternity. But God made a way for you to escape hell, because He loves you, wants a relationship with you and doesn't want you to suffer eternally. My greatest prayer is that you would accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior so you can experience Him and His goodness, not only here on earth, but also for eternity in heaven.  If you are not sure if you will go to heaven when you die, please watch these short videos or contact me so you can be sure. 

 “This side of heaven we do indeed get to see revelations of His resurrection power.  This dusty orb suspended in the universe just between heaven and hell bears in its air the flecks of them both.  I do not doubt you have tasted hell on the tip of your tongue, but you have also tasted heaven.”               
Beth Moore, Audacious,  
B&H Publishing Group, pp 150, 157